Lord, hear our prayer.
For survivors of harrassment, that you might speak to them their unassailable innate worth;
Lord, hear our prayer.
For survivors of assault, that your tender healing might bind up wounds of heart, body, mind, and soul;
Lord, hear our prayer.
For those whose earnest truths have been met with disbelief, that you would remind them of the strength and comfort to be found in the company of the disbelieved witnesses to your resurrection.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For those victimized in childhood, we know you weep with them. That you would be an ever-present source of strength and unfailing restorer of life;
Lord, hear our prayer.
For those betrayed by their churches, that your holiness might shine beyond human evil, your love beyond congregational walls;
Lord, hear our prayer.
That you would cause our societies to repent of individual sexism and systemic patriarchy;
Lord, hear our prayer.
For perpetrators of sexism, harassment, and assault, that the slow and difficult work of repentance would lead them to reconciliation with you.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For bystanders to sexism, harassment, and assault, that your Spirit would offer courage and conviction to abandon complicity with violence and choose the side of the oppressed.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, that you might protect her and bring her honor as a courageous teller of truth.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For Judge Brett Kavanaugh, that truth and justice may roll down like mighty rivers.
Lord, hear our prayer.
For your beloved world,
that power would no longer be used as a weapon,
that all would find healing from the wounds of patriarchy,
that with your help, in facing difficult truths, we may see the dawn of a world where all genders may live without fear.
Lord, hear our prayer.
Thank you so much for sharing this. It is beautiful.
You’re welcome! Praying and grieving together is so important.